What Happens If You Don’t File?
Failing to file your Biennial Update can result in fines, penalties, or even the deactivation of your USDOT number. This can lead to being placed out of service and disrupt your ability to legally operate in interstate or intrastate commerce. Avoid costly disruptions by ensuring your information is up to date.
When Is My Biennial Update Due?
Your official Biennial Update is due based on the last two digits of your USDOT number:
The last digit indicates the month your update is due.
The second-to-last digit determines if you file in an even or odd year.
For example, if your USDOT number ends in “3” and “4,” your update is due in April of odd-numbered years.

Filing Now? Here’s What You Need to Know
If you are filing today because your Biennial Update is overdue, this is considered a “catch-up” filing. After filing, you will still need to check the last two digits of your DOT number to determine your official biennial update due date. This means you may need to file again within 6 months to 1 year, or even sooner, to remain compliant.
Ready to File Your Update?
Don’t risk fines or deactivation. Our team is here to help you get back in compliance quickly.