Mexican Carrier Number (MX)
Call now to obtain your MX Number.
What is a Mexican Carrier Number (MX)?
In the trucking industry, the Mexican Carrier number, also known as an MX number, carries significant weight. Issued by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), this identification number is crucial in identifying motor carriers owned or controlled by Mexican citizens who operate in the U.S.
Why is this number so important? Well, primarily, it is assigned to Mexican motor carriers operating in the United States and its commercial zones. These carriers must obtain an MX Number to effectively conduct their business within the United States.

Additional Requirements
The Difference Between MC, MX, and FF Numbers
An MC number is issued by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) for organizations that transport freight or passengers across state lines. This number also serves as a license for the carrier to conduct interstate commerce.
On the other hand, an MX number is granted to motor carriers that transport freight or passengers between the U.S. and Mexico, while an FF number is issued specifically for companies that arrange transportation of goods by FMCSA-licensed carriers. As their names suggest, these numbers serve different purposes, but all are crucial for keeping track of carriers and ensuring that they are operating within the set regulations.

Why the FMCSA Places Great Importance on These Identification Numbers
The next time you see a truck with an MX Number, you can rest assured that it has undergone rigorous safety checks and is compliant with the regulations set by the FMCSA. This allows for a safer and more efficient transportation system, benefiting not only the motor carriers but also the citizens and businesses of both the United States and Mexico.
Cautionary Note:
Risks of Operating Without an Authority or Being Labeled as “Not Authorized”